Management Philosophy that inherits Sumitomo’s Business Philosophy

“Placing prime importance on integrity and sound management in the conduct of its business”and “Under no circumstances, shall it pursue easy gains.”

The Sumitomo Realty Group, as the heir of Sumitomo Honsha, Ltd., has developed into a comprehensive realestate enterprise of the Sumitomo Group which has a history of 430 years. We inherit Sumitomo’s business philosophy -“Placing prime importance on integrity and sound management in the conduct of its business”and “Under no circumstances, shall it pursue easy gains”-which have been handed down as a guiding principle throughout the Sumitomo’s history.

Corporate Slogan

“Integrity and Innovation”

Placing top priority on “Integrity,” we go beyond simple development, with our innovative and challenging spirit, relentlessly pursuing value creation that will be passed on to next generation. This corporate stance is expressed in our slogan, “Integrity and Innovation.”

Fundamental Mission

“Create even better social assets for the next generation”

Under this slogan, “Integrity and Innovation,” we have set forth our fundamental mission as to “Create even better social assets for the next generation,” and our basic management policy aims to contribute to addressing social issues through each business, at the same time maximizing corporate value. Further, in order to fulfill this fundamental mission, we established the Code of Conduct as guidelines to govern all our officers and employees.

Code of Conduct

  • 1 .

    Open Culture … Opportunity

  • 2 .

    Higher Goals … Innovation

  • 3 .

    New Approaches … Pioneering

  • 4 .

    Compliance Business activities in compliance with laws and regulations, corporate rules, social norms, and ethics

  • 5 .

    Rejection of Antisocial Forces

  • 6 .

    Trust with Our Stakeholders Sustaining trust with our employees, our customers, business partners, local communities, shareholders/investors, and government organizations

  • 7 .

    Environmental Protection Protecting the global environment through efforts such as resource saving, energy saving, resource recycling, and CO2 reduction

Please visit the website of Sumitomo Group Public Affairs Committee for more information about Sumitomo’s business philosophy and Sumitomo Group’s chronological table.